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Kothimora (Silver)
Royal Kothimora Khukuri
A very exclusively designed Khukri among all of ours products, is made for presenting to Royal Family members. Hence, named as Royal Kothimora Khukri.
$ 1,375.00$ 875.00 -
Gurkha Kukri knives Collection
13 inch Ling blade Gurkha DUI chira khukuri
This 13 inch Gurkha Dui Chire Kukri is handcrafted with two deep fullers on the blade & more durable handle and scabbard made up of yak leather.
$ 225.00$ 177.00 -
Bestselling Kukris, Village Khukuri
12.5 inches Long Three Fullers Kukri
12.5 inches long blade khukuri with three fullers on the blade and standard water tempered on the edge. Very strong and comes with two free small knives.
$ 299.00$ 199.00 -
Village Khukuri
33cm Long stick tang Limbu One Sirupate Khukuri
This newly built Limbu (ethnic group of Nepal) one Sirupate is very well balanced and just feels versatile. It has a nice rustic feel in carrying and use.
$ 199.00$ 159.00 -
Hunting Khukuri
Standard Range Dragon kukri
A truly handcrafted 10 inch long blade dragon-shape Khukuri used in normal household and for outdoor activities, is memento from the land of Gurkhas.
$ 199.00$ 149.00 -
Premium Khukris on Sale
Gurkha Victoria Cross Badge Kukri
This replicated VC Khukuri is the one Gurkha soldiers carried and used in World War I and II where all famous Gurkha Regiments Badges are engraved on it.
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Premium Khukris on Sale
31cm Long Gurkha Nepal Villager kukri
This “Villager” styled meticulously handcrafted Kukri with its scabbard engraved beautifully with flowers and peacock give the artistic value to it.
$ 249.00$ 199.00 -
Premium Khukris on Sale
Fighting Kukri | Military Knife | Gurkha Combat
A superior blade, both as a combat weapon and as a tool. The unique curve makes it excellent for both serving as a combination of an Ax and a…
$ 199.00$ 149.00 -
Angkhola Knife, Curved Knife, Gurkha Kukri knives Collection
15 inches Long WW II Angkhola kukri
WW II Angkhola Kukri has 14 inch long blade, a stick tang wooden handle with traditional Nepalese military scabbard and chakmak & karda utility knives.
$ 389.00$ 249.00 -
Gurkha Kukri knives Collection
Iraqi Freedom Camouflage khukuri
As its name, new Iraqi Khukuri issued to Iraq peace keeping Gurkhas not officially but interested soldiers can keep with their uniform and use as well.
$ 149.00$ 129.00