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Gurkha Kukri knives Collection, World War Kukris
30cm Long Gurkha WW I model Khukuri
World War I Khukri replica, carried by Gurkhas during the World War I signifying the indomitable spirit of the their legacy.
$ 189.00$ 149.00 -
Premium Khukris on Sale
Fighting Kukri | Military Knife | Gurkha Combat
A superior blade, both as a combat weapon and as a tool. The unique curve makes it excellent for both serving as a combination of an Ax and a…
$ 199.00$ 149.00 -
Kothimora (Silver)
Royal Kothimora Khukuri
A very exclusively designed Khukri among all of ours products, is made for presenting to Royal Family members. Hence, named as Royal Kothimora Khukri.
$ 1,375.00$ 875.00 -
Bestselling Kukris, Village Khukuri
12.5 inches Long Three Fullers Kukri
12.5 inches long blade khukuri with three fullers on the blade and standard water tempered on the edge. Very strong and comes with two free small knives.
$ 299.00$ 199.00 -
Gurkha Kukri knives Collection
Iraqi Freedom Camouflage khukuri
As its name, new Iraqi Khukuri issued to Iraq peace keeping Gurkhas not officially but interested soldiers can keep with their uniform and use as well.
$ 149.00$ 129.00 -
Axe, Machete Knife
31cm Long D-GUARD ELI Khukuri
This superb unique custom Kukri is another meticulous product we have that is designed and built to withstand the years of cutting & hunting activities.
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Premium Khukris on Sale
13 inches Long Gurkha Chehrokee kukri
One of the best categorized work of ours, The Buttewal Bhojpure Khukuri is most famous Khukuri among Nepalese to keep it at home not for military issue.
$ 189.00$ 159.00 -
Bestselling Kukris, Premium Khukris on Sale, Village Khukuri
13 inches Long Tamang Kukri
Tamang Kukri is a villager Kukri for general utility work, famous among Tamang ethnic group of Nepal stucking in the cloth belt called Potuka (waist sash).
$ 359.00$ 229.00 -
Premium Khukris on Sale
12″ One Fuller Khukuri
This new innovation made for combat is very sharp and more curve than other Sirupate series, super handy for any outdoor cutting and clearing. The 12″ One Fuller /…
$ 299.00$ 205.00 -
Bestselling Kukris, Curved Knife, Gurkha Kukri knives Collection
12” Gurkha WWII model Khukuri
Introducing one of the most famous product of ours, this Gurkha Bhojpure Khukuri is slightly bigger and heavier than the standard blade Khukuri.
$ 249.00$ 199.00